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Christian books on the subject of love

All of these books are available through Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS) – details on the “Announcements” page [1].

For the Love of God – D A Carson: When you love somebody you want to find out all you can about them. If we love God then we will want to find out all we can about Him, we will want to know Him. We study God in the Bible. This is a useful set of daily reading notes.

The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God – D A Carson: Carson “wants us to get a new perspective – one that sees God as awesome and glorious as well as loving. He wants us to take seriously the need for justice to be done and for God to be Lord. But most of all, he wants us to understand that these things are included in God’s love, not opposed to it, and so to reach an even greater, richer, more truth full picture of the wonderful love of God.”

There are many books that will help you reflect upon the love of God. You could try Knowing God by J.I. Packer, or Behold Your God by Donald Macleod. Both of these books have helpful chapters on the love of God.

In Rediscovering God’s Love by Frank Allred you can explore more of the amazing love of God. But in the second part of his book “he draws out what loving God means in practice for Christians who seek to follow the teaching of Scripture in every aspect of their lives.” The book considers our love for God, love for your Christian brother and love for your neighbour.

Read The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards in order to review and test your own Christian life. The book examines love in the believer. Edwards writes, “For love is not only one of the affections, but it is the first and chief of the affections, and the fountain of all the affections.”

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