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Reformation for Kenya

During my first years as a gospel minister in Kenya, I have been continually challenged to think about what Biblical Christianity could or should look like in the situations I’ve been in and witnessed. How is the “missionary task” going? What are we doing well? What are we doing badly? What would authentic local church life look like in these cultures?

Kenya is an amazing land. There are many openings and opportunities. It is not a Christian country, if “Christian” refers to being followers and servants of Jesus Christ as the one Lord and Saviour. Neither do many people have an accurate conception of what Christianity is. Why is this so? How can it be, after so many years, and after so much missionary effort?

Sad to say, I believe that many of the distortions and long-term weaknesses of Kenyan “Christianity” as I have seen it are directly attributable to missionary and pastoral policy. But where do the weaknesses lie, and what is a positive way forward?

These are the kind of questions I set myself to address in my thinking. The Lord kindly allowed me a period of time in which I was able to commit these thoughts to paper and discuss them with others. I am now making them available to others here, piece by piece. As you return to this page in future, you should find more papers being added as I review them each one more time.

Every paper below is available both on-line and as a PDF for downloading and printing. You do not need to read them in the written order; though I do recommend you begin with the introduction.
